Thursday, March 5, 2020

GCSE French Exam Tips from Top Volunteer Tutor

GCSE French Exam Tips from Top Volunteer Tutor GCSE French exam tips Annick S is a French tutor and Tutorfair Foundation volunteer. With exam season fast approaching, she offers her top exam tips for GCSE French. Before starting the paper Good exam technique begins before even putting pen to paper. Annick recommends: “First of all remember to read the text of the essay correctly several times.” Once you are sure you have understood the question, it is then time to brainstorm. At this point Annick says, “write some ideas, arguments you wish to use for and against.” Whilst jotting down notes she advises you, “think of your vocabulary and write down some expressions you could use to make it better.” When answering the questions Once you've read, highlighted and annotated the question it is time to start responding. Annick recommends that you pause before you start and, “take few minutes to reflect on the topic and put your ideas together.” After each answer ask yourself, “what could you add or mention to improve the content.” Some areas she suggests thinking about are: 1. Conditional/Subjunctive verb tenses 2. the structures of your phrases and 3. the connections in between phrases If you are stuck on what else to write, she says you should  consider: 1. what you think of the situation? 2. How could you improve it? 3. Do you give your opinion enough? After answering the questions It is important to check over your answers once you are finished responding to the questions. Annick says, “Sentences must not be too simple. Show you have [good] vocabulary and [demonstrate that you have] grammatical knowledge as well. Take time to check your spelling and the content of your ideas.” Annick has been teaching for many years  yet she still honed her skills through volunteering in schools with the Foundation. At the  Tutorfair Foundation we offer free tuition to students who can't afford private lessons. To achieve this we partner with schools to send tutors to work with classes and groups that receive free school meals - a useful measurement of childhood deprivation. The children benefit from the extra education and the tutors develop their skill set. You can book Annick for French tuition on

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